Monday, February 8, 2010

So erm.

Lol so some of you might remember me blogging about tae yang's song wedding dress, i'll be honest guys, back then i only had the song sent to me, and i was listening to it for ages, and as you know im not korean so i never understood the lyrics, and the song was so good.

ToDAY right now 9:3pm, i just watched the MV for this song, and im just like OMG?!?!?!?

*jaw drop*
yes i know the dancing looks pretty sick, but GUYS man, such a depressing MV!!! IT"S like a korean drama packed into a 4min 44second MV LOL

Ahh just thought i was definitly quite sad when i was watching the MV. i finally understand the song haha... now every time i listen to it, it's gonna be different feeling.