Friday, October 16, 2009


Several years ago, youtube was bought by google for what was it 1.1billion?!? oh wait 1.65billion, bloody hell anyways yeah, so we all thinking? google are u insane?!?! Your basically putting your whole company on DEBT!!!!!!
Obviously i already thought about this, it seems the effects of googles actions are starting to pay off and work.

My original thought was that if google was going to buy youtube it'll be for 1 thing, advertisment purposes. Thats exactly what has happened, if you haven't noticed already, advertisments are comming up after every video you watch. [ my original idea would be like a coke add of something b 4 or after a video] Surly you probs don't watch them, but the amount of traffic that goes threw, youtube is making bucketloads of money because businesss will pay for traffic, thats how advertisment works in the cyber world, every wondered why when you play games it's free? they don't care... they get paid by the little advertiment beside your game.

So in general, youtube isn't alloud to physically modify your videos however they can play advertisments b 4 and after your videos, this has been done on 9msn, and other things like that.

Finally google is getting back for their 1.65billion dollar investment. But will this influence our motive to watch youtube? statistics show that more then about 40% of people spend at least a few hours on youtube a week. To watch news or just general stuff, cartooons etc.. (don't quote me on the stat, it came from mX, no one believes mX) But yeah youtube is got huge traffic.