Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hi everyone, so im happy to say that latly my blog has definitily picked up in it's amount of visitors, according to google analytics that is, and it's really good to see cause thats where motivation comes from. Unfortunatly im unable to say the same for my photo blog, i just haven't been able to get the shots im looking for with my standard digital cameras and phones, yeah thats right! none of that professional stuff, just good old single figured megapixels.

So latly i haven't been doing much, haven't been chatting much, just haven't been doing much in general really. Work load is starting to just pick up at uni.

Just been finding it difficult to sleep latly, and yeah just common stuff that occurs through season changes. So hopfully i can keep this going and just keep blogging i guess.

tomorrow im off to some random place which i donno how to get there but hey i'll figure it out i guess. So yup!

Take care!