Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I finally have a legt reason for not blogging.


yeah i know it was cheap but it got the job done, and now it's acting up on me, as i am on a laptop it is very inconvinient for me to blog things, ie. i have no progreams to transfer pictures and stuff...

So guys, bare with me x]

the communitychannel takes breaks too...

give me a chance.

Feeling better these days, i did get a bit of feedback saying people don't wanna read about my day, so yeah, i take customer feedback pretty seriously so i will cut down on that.

Few movies to comment on, yes i know you going. why no review on avatar, GUYS the movie speaks for itself... who needs some dude infront of a comp typeing it out and telling you how FRIKKEN AWESOME IT WAS?!?!?!?
