Sunday, November 1, 2009

so everyone wanna know?

lol so everyone wants to know wot happened last night :P

well i know u don't but im making this intresting so u wanna read it duh!

so we like alright lets go to mt neebo and check out the solarsystem, cuz thats what cool kids do, u know? duh... like it's the coolest thing. Anyways so we set everything up we decide whos driving (me) who sits in which car, cuz theres 2 (two) <-- ahahahha

yeah anyways, so we have the telescope and we good to go, however we go to dinner first, at fasta pasta, i didn't eat i just had a lemon lime bitter, cuz they are frikken addictive. Anyways then we go, intrstingly, when
we are about to go to mt neebo, something was wrong? cuz im the follow car, we keep driving, and the signs kept saying "city" 4. then it went city 3 then it went city 2 then i saw the the suncorp building and was like hang one wtf.... then we pull up in front of the car we were following and we going wtf!!! and they like teehe and then at that point we knew something was wrong. So we pull over and asked wtf!!! and they like we forgot the lenses......

when we were about to turn into the street which accended into neebo, they relised they forgot the lenses, FML

..... so we decided to go to matchroom to go play some pool... and yeah x]
So thats wot happened last night.

FML all that petrol for nothing.