Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Day

I haven't done one of these in a while, and for good reason........................
I clearly have no idea what readers like, do they like wot i blog about or what i like to talk about, i mean some people have told me they arn't a fan of blogs cuz they can't be bothered reading someones page just to learn about their day.

The idea is, if i wanna learn about someones day, then i clearly don't need to read about it, i'll give him/her a phone call LOL.

ANyways it's good that people do like to read my stuff i guess, i mean as lame as it is, everynow and then you might stumble on something exciting about my day you know?

Well today wasn't very exciting althought i do wanna say i did go to work today, and at 5:30pm when i finish worked, i had no ride home. Apparently my parents forgot to pick me up, which is frikken amazing like. WOW anyways then after i went to catch a bus home, on top there was NO ONE HOME. LOL so i spent the next hour just sitting there, camwhoreing and relising how bad i looked so i deleted all the photoes AHAHAHAHA then after that i relised i have been bitten by lots of mosquitoes... so that didn't make it any better, countary i was texting lisa whilst sitting outside my own house... Lol now u might be going why didn't i have the house keys with me, well usually when you have someone pick you up u don't need house keys, which is fair enought cuz u might be going now... "why don't u keep some spare just incase"?

GOOOOOOOD QUESTIon, and in answer to that it's basically, with my lifestyle and family, i know shit like today, shouldn't of happened hahaha.... right and i was totally wrong ay...

so yeah about 7ish when they got back it was dark, and i was dead tired, i mean work right.. zzzz anyways now im just sitting around...

For those who might be wondering uni is actually not tooo bad, meet a few people which already are friends of friends,s o it was really easy to settel into the new course, im pretty excited about this project as well as being so worried. My awesome friend Tiff gave me some advice, shes the best, so now im trying to grasp the situation haha. I do have some picutes, although i donno if i wanna show them or not... lol but hey i mean later on i will eventually post the up.

So thats my day, knowledge gained from this blog post, i would say zero, time waisering about 10 minutes. so yeah :D

haha laterz guys!