Saturday, March 6, 2010

Geneva Auto Show 2010

Move over japan, theres a new market about! x] hahaha thats right, if any of you know motorosports, geneva auto show was your place to be a few days ago.

Honestly a few thigns have came out that are MIND BLOWING in the feild of auto industries. First up something that caught my eye.

PORCHE has made a concept?!?!?!
Since 1993 when the last concept was made, this 2010 concept is the 918 Spyder.
Looks something like this.


And my god does it looks GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!

493HP for a hybird car, yes thats right this is a hybird car.... most of these european cars are hybird to make them efficient, and a hybird engin producing 493hp?!?! thats not normal... on top theres a electric engine onboard that produces another 200hp or some figure near that!! total about 700HP!!!
0-100 in 3.2seconds! and a top speed of 198miles per hour, idk what that is in KM's but thats a lot, close to the 400km/h mark.

Now lamborghini, as usual has decided to rebuild the same car for the 8th time in a row.... real creative guys....


So wots happened is, they decided to make it lighter then it already is, except it's not th same gallardo, it's droped about 80kg. on top CO2 emissions have been cut by 2.5%!! so these guys are all about the enviroment now ay x]

So Honda's New concept car. well i really wouldn't call it a concept, cuz they are kinda doing it =/
This is Honda's CRZ, and guess wot... it's also a hybird. This car has been primilarly focued on the european model as it's different to the american model. Still with a sporty look however with a engin that saves a lot of money when putting it on the road. This one here is a american version, im not sure if it is but i think it is base on the lights and breaks, im assuming they are brembo's x] The european one has led's just under the lights like audi's and stuff. This car has focused also on the power to weight ratio, so apparently it's very light!


Not sure about this car comming to austrail any time soon, but i think because of target market changes, it will definitly be changed a lot b 4 it gets here. However then again im not too sure, because the Honda City wasn't a really successful car, although i think the CRZ would be more targeted to compare with the Hybirds out there, such as the camery and the prius.

All in all still looks like a sweet car ay :P
