Friday, March 9, 2012

What is KONY 2012

Before you flame me, please read this article first.

So at first I didn't have too many opinions on this issue, if anything I would of been a supporter, however unlike others, I did do a little research before I shared etc.
As a result I decided to not follow the support and just took it as a piece of news. There are lots of skeptics out there, and that is just life. I am just a normal person trying to get along with life.

After the KONY 2012 video, I'm pretty sure I don't like this Joseph Kony guy. I also think after the video I think I want this Joseph Kony guy to be brought to justice. However, that is all I got.

No rant here, just sharing the articles as I would youtube videos. I guess that is all the internet is used for theses days....

I control social media, social media doesn't control me.