Saturday, September 17, 2011

This guy talking facebook

So this is targeted to everyone, however everyone is a big vague as no one reads this.
So this is targeted to my daily readers. You know who you are.... everything BUT MY FRIEND.

Anyway, there has always been things that pissed me off about facebook. And you know, I am a person who takes life as it comes. I try not to get angry sometimes, but sometimes you can't control yourself. So my topic was the idea of adding friends on facebook. The concept. But I worn't get into that as I found ranting on youtube HAHAHAHA.

So yeah, this guys legit, basically I couldn't have said what he said better myself. Im sure we all know these things pisses everyone else off, and when other people do it, you get pissed off, but then you also do it, so in the end it's a massive circle of fail cuz everyones hypocritical.

Anyway onto the video. Check it out, you gotta watch it all.

Mark Zuckerberg, I will bring you done after I bring down apple. =P