Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Journy Start 29/01/10

Journy Starts here, at brisbane airport at i think around 7 in the morning. Can't really remember. It was early thats all i remember haha.

Flying Singapore Airlines to Singapore then change over to Hong Kong. Was fortunate enought to venture on the new A380 on my trip from Hong Kong to Singapore commin back to Australia, however never got a pic. But that plane is a beauty, can barly feel it taking off and landing haha XD

Once we got to singapore airport, my gosh it is amazing. 3 Terminals connected by sky train haha. But it's hella massive.


Very very Big

And this is where we sat to wait to get into the gates.

When you study architecture, you sorta become fond of small features that people just glance at, more of those to come as we progress through the journy ! So we'll leave it here for now, will update very frequently i hope hehe, so thats how we go so far =] Stopping at Singapore Airport!