Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Internet usage

Pretty over kill this month.

My plan allows me to have 70GB of downloads for Peak and 60GB downloads of offpeak. That means after i have reached these 2 limits, i go into capped speed.

This month i have done 130GB of peak and 86GB of off peak. and There is still another week before i get my internet back T.T
Overkill HAHA x] too much drama ^.^
Couple of good ones might i add, might blog about those.

For those who are wondering about Queensland, The process of clean up is a massive success, the amount of volunteers have been crazy and we are slowly getting back to normal although stock levels have gone down and agriculture has also gone down, so maybe everything is gonna be more expensive.
I was playing a game the other day, which tells people where your from, it was nice of strangers to ask where i was from and how the floods were going, people from all over the world. Really goes to show how much this has impacted the world and it's economy. Rockhampton flooding caused heaps of problems for mining industry, so all prices went up. This morning i think the amount of donations for the floods has just made it to the 80 or 85 million mark, i can't remember just quickly heard it on the news.

Anyways, off to work! will catch ya all later with hopfully awesome information that will keep people reading XD