Wednesday, November 25, 2009


What can i say, it was pretty good... you know? like for those who have seen it cuz im an idiot for going to see it so late. It really just makes you take a step back.. and like really relise and aperciate everything.

Sometimes we just go around and not see things for what they are or how they appear, and it's how it is, sometimes we should just take a step back as i mentioned before, and let it hold you.

And at the moment of panic, we all just snap and lose it, question my friends, is why?! because based on this movie, it's what we call greed, selfishness.

You know from a personal note, a while back b 4 i started blogging i made myself a promise, i kinda relised, how much of a bad person i was, how mean i was to people, how "i don't care" i was, well not i don't care, more like "i have no worries or worrie about people". i was selective, so i said to myself i will try and be a better person and start helping people more. Big step for me.


Who will be left behind?

well thats a answer you can answer when the time comes, u can be one of many things.

All in all, fantastic movie, i recommend it.

Rays rateing of 4/5 =]