Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Well today i relised that i am not going to update this daily cuz it's a stupid idea, and im sure no one is committed enought to check this daily.
ON TOP i can't be bothrered theres just not enought things to talk about DAMMIT....

Well anyways, i couldn't find anything intresting to talk about at the moment cuz nothings happened. But today was a hectic bus ride to uni. But it was just cuz the bus was full =]

Anyways Tonight in a few hours is my weekly billiards match. WE gonna get slaughtered today, cuz the team we playing is pretty much on the top of the ladder, but anything can happen i guess!

Anyways hope i can win again x] or score well.
so far i have won 2 and lost 3 T.T


Stacey said...

I like the way you write. it makes me laugh :)
